Congratulations to the Winner of the Trivia Question for coffee & donuts: Winnipeg International Writers Festival!
The Winnipeg Writers Festival was created in 1997 by three individuals from the Manitoba Writers’ Guild. Their goal was to create a week of literary events that featured some of the best writers around. This Festival has evolved greatly from being run by volunteers, to having Board of Directors and Full-time staff!
This Festival brings great writers and literature together with their readers, and showcases new writing from local and Canadian authors with a handful of International authors.
Currently in their 15th year, the annual festival, THIN AIR: The Winnipeg International Writers Festival, will be held September 21-29, 2012. The line-up for which will be released at the beginning of September.
Technology by Design is currently assisting them in finding the right monthly managed services and backup for them, along with hardware upgrades to their current system. Technology by Design helps the Winnipeg International Writers Festival keep tech-savvy, and help them to understand what they have and how to use it.
For further information about the Winnipeg International Writers Festival, please contact Perry Grosshans or Tavia Palmerscott at 927-7327, or visit their website at
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