ALERT: Employee Recruiting
There is a new cyber attack being aimed at companies looking at recruiting new employees through the internet.
The malware attack, called Gameover Zeus, comes in two stages. In the first stage, a phishing attack takes over the workstation using social engineering, and infects the machine with the Gameover malware. The malware then grabs information from website forms, such as usernames and passwords, as they are typed. In the second stage, the attackers try to get the HR employee to give out the information they are missing in order to take over the (usually Monster or CareerBuilder) account. They use a bogus security check form and ask for the answer to their security question.
Why would an attack target HR departments? The first reason for this is the ability to take over the HR computer, create fake “employees”, and cash in on these employees. The second reason is that if the computer is tied to a bank account, and has a spending budget, it can then be made to be a target for banking Trojans.
It is important for everyone, especially HR, to pay attention to emails and websites for red flags. If something does not look right, it probably isn’t.
Technology by Design can help with virus and malware protection and removal, in order to save your information. For more information, give one of our technicians a call at (204) 800-3166, or email